Basic Sentence Structure

This page explains the most basic sentence structure in Japanese.

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Order in Japanese

The order in Japanese is subject, complement, predicate.

⚫︎ Subject + (Complement) + Predicate

A characteristic of Japanese is that the predicate comes last.

Not all sentences have a complement, some sentences have no complement and some have more than one complement.

Also, if the subject is clear, it may be omitted.

Basic Sentence Structure

A predicate can be one of three parts of speech: verb, adjective or noun.

Therefore, there are three types of basic sentence structure depending on the part of speech of the predicate: verb sentence, adjective sentence and noun sentence.

Basic Sentence Structure 1: Verb Sentence

A verb sentence is a sentence whose predicate is a verb.

⚫︎ Subject + (Complement) + Verb

わたしは  学校がっこうに  きます

Basic Sentence Structure 2: Adjective Sentence

A adjective sentence is a sentence whose predicate is a adjective.

⚫︎ Subject + (Complement) + Adjective

あのはなは  とても  綺麗きれいです

Basic Sentence Structure 3: Noun Sentence

A noun sentence is a sentence whose predicate is a noun.

⚫︎ Subject + (Complement) + Noun

友達ともだちは  日本語ともだちの  先生せんせいです

Various patterns

Complements between the subject and the predicate (verb, adjective, noun) add a variety of information to a sentence.

There are various types of sentences in Japanese, such as sentences with no complements and sentences with multiple complements.

Below are some patterns.

⚫︎ Subject + Predicate (Verb, Adjective, Noun)

わたしは  学生がいせいです

⚫︎ Subject + Complement1 + Predicate (Verb, Adjective, Noun)

東京とうきょうは  ひとが  おおいです

⚫︎ Subject + Complement1 + Complement2 + Predicate (Verb, Adjective, Noun)

わたしは  家族かぞくと  ごはんを  べます

⚫︎ Subject + Complement1 + Complement2 + Complement3 + Predicate (Verb, Adjective, Noun)

かあさんは  毎日まいにち  おとうさんと  スーパーに  きます

⚫︎ Subject + Complement1 + Complement2 + Complement3 + Complement4 + Predicate (Verb, Adjective, Noun)

いもうとは  明日あした  9に  学校がっこうで  友達ともだちと  います

As such, Japanese has three types of basic sentence structure, which are verb sentence, adjective sentence and noun sentence, and by adding more complements to a sentence, various information can be added.

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