Japanese Language Proficiency Test(JLPT)

Japanese Language Proficiency Test(JLPT) is a test that measures the level of understanding of the Japanese language. It is one of the most famous tests for measuring Japanese language proficiency and has been administered since 1984.

When hiring foreign workers, Japanese companies often check the results of the JLPT to confirm the applicant’s Japanese language proficiency. Some companies make passing the JLPT one of the application requirements.

Also, some Japanese universities make passing the JLPT a condition for studying abroad.

For foreigners who want to work or study in Japan, passing the JLPT is important because it increases the possibility of getting an opportunity to work or study in Japan by proving their Japanese language proficiency.

Additionally, many Japanese language learners take the test to gauge their own Japanese language proficiency.

This page explains the overview of the JLPT, target, difficulty, pass rate, etc.

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The JLPT is a test that aims to measure and certify Japanese language proficiency. It is one of the most famous tests for measuring Japanese language proficiency and has been administered since 1984.


The JLPT measures the following two things:

⚫︎ Knowledge of Japanese characters, vocabulary and grammar

⚫︎ Communication skill using Japanese language knowledge

The test is a multiple choice format and there are no writing or speaking sections.


The JLPT is open to all non-native Japanese speakers.

Native Japanese speakers are not permitted to take the test.

There are no age restrictions for the JLPT.

Test Date

The JLPT is held twice a year, in July and December.

In 2024, the tests are held on July 7th and December 1st.


The difficulty level is divided into five levels: N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5.

N1 is the most difficult and N5 is the easiest, with the test questions differing for each level.

The N1 test sometimes uses words that are not commonly used even by Japanese people.

The difficulty for each level is as follows:


This level allows you to understand Japanese used in a wide range of situations.

⚫︎ Reading

Able to understand complex sentences such as newspapers on a wide range of topics in detail.

⚫︎ Listening

Able to understand conversations and news in a wide range of situations at a natural speed in detail.


This level allows you to understand not only Japanese used in everyday situations but also Japanese used in a wider range of situations to a certain extent.

⚫︎ Reading

Able to understand clear sentences such as newspaper and magazine articles on a wide range of topics.

⚫︎ Listening

Able to understand conversations and news in a wide range of situations at a nearly natural speed.


This level allows you to understand Japanese used in everyday situations to a certain extent.

⚫︎ Reading

Able to understand sentences about everyday topics. Able to understand the outline of newspaper articles.

⚫︎ Listening

Able to understand most conversations in everyday situations at a nearly natural speed.


This level allows you to understand basic Japanese.

⚫︎ Reading

Able to understand sentences about everyday topics that use basic vocabulary and Kanji.

⚫︎ Listening

Able to understand most conversations in everyday situations at a slow speed.


This level allows you to understand basic Japanese to a certain extent.

⚫︎ Reading

Able to understand simple sentences written in Hiragana, Katakana and basic Kanji.

⚫︎ Listening

Able to understand necessary information from short conversations in everyday situations at a slow speed.

Passing Criterion

There are two criteria for passing the test:

⚫︎ Total score is at or above the passing score

⚫︎ Section score is at or above the passing score in all three sections: knowledge (characters/grammar/vocabulary), reading and listening

If you miss even one section, you will fail the test.

Below are the passing score for total score, knowledge (characters/grammar/vocabulary), reading and listening.

LevelTotal ScoreKnowledgeReadingListening
LevelTotal ScoreKnowledge/ReadingListening

Pass Rate

The number of test takers, number of successful candidates and pass rate for each level of the 2023 tests are as follows:

July 2023

LevelTest Takers
Successful Candidates
Pass Rate

December 2023

LevelTest Takers
Successful Candidates
Pass Rate

The most difficult level, N1, has the lowest pass rate, while the easiest level, N5, has the highest pass rate.

Procedure to Take the Test

If you are taking the test in Japan, the procedure is as follows:

1. Register for MyJLPT on the JLPT website (can be done at any time)

2. Log in to MyJLPT with your registered account, apply for the test and pay the test fee (3 to 4 months before the test).

3. Receive your admission ticket (one month before the test)

4. Take the test (July/December)

5. Receive your test result (2 months after the test)

If you are taking the test overseas, the procedure is as follows:

1. Follow the instructions of the administering institution, apply for the test and pay the test fee (3 to 4 months before the test)

2. Receive your admission ticket

3. Take the test (July/December)

4. Receive your test result (2 months after the test)

If you are taking the test overseas, you will need to check with the administering institution as the test procedure may differ depending on the country or region.

Additionally, there are countries and regions where tests are held only in July or only in December.

Testing Site

The test is held in all prefectures of Japan.

The testing site is selected in the test application process and candidates are able to confirm the testing site on their admission ticket.

You can also take the JLPT overseas, and the test is held in the following countries and regions:

⚫︎ East Asia

Korea, China, Mongolia, Taiwan

⚫︎ Southeast Asia

Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos

⚫︎ South Asia

India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives

⚫︎ Oceania

Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Marshall

⚫︎ North America

Canada, United States of America

⚫︎ Latin America

Costa Rica, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, El Salvador, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Paraguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia

⚫︎ Western Europe

Ireland, Italy, United Kingdom, Austria, Netherlands, Greece, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Finland, France, Belgium, Portugal

⚫︎ Eastern Europe

Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz, Georgia, Slovenia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Czech, Turkmenistan, Hungary, Bulgaria, Belarus, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Romania, Russia

⚫︎ Middle East

Israel, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Türkiye, Jordan

⚫︎ North Africa

Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco

⚫︎ Africa

Ghana, Kenya, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Benin, Madagascar, South Africa

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