Animals can be classified into mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians.
Fish are used in cooking, so they are often used in everyday conversation.
This page explains Kanji, Katakana and readings of fish.
This page also includes aquatic organisms that are not fish.
Fish List
Image | Fish | Kanji/Katakana | Reading |
Squid | イカ | いか | |
Sardine | イワシ | いわし | |
Sea Urchin | ウニ | うに | |
Ray | エイ | えい | |
Shrimp | 海老/エビ | えび | |
Shellfish | 貝 | かい | |
Oyster | 牡蠣/カキ | かき | |
Marlin | カジキ | かじき | |
Crab | カニ | かに | |
Goldfish | 金魚 | きんぎょ | |
Jellyfish | クラゲ | くらげ | |
Carp | 鯉/コイ | こい | |
Salmon | 鮭/サケ | さけ | |
Shark | 鮫/サメ | さめ | |
Sea Bream | 鯛/タイ | たい | |
Octopus | タコ | たこ | |
Seahorse | タツノオトシゴ | たつのおとしご | |
Porcupine Fish | ハリセンボン | はりせんぼん | |
Starfish | ヒトデ | ひとで | |
Blowfish | フグ | ふぐ | |
Scallop | ホタテ | ほたて | |
Tuna | 鮪/マグロ | まぐろ | |
Trout | 鱒/マス | ます | |
Sunfish | マンボウ | まんぼう | |
Hermit Crab | ヤドカリ | やどかり |