
Words related to body parts are often used in everyday conversation, so by learning these words, it will be easier to communicate what you want to say when talking about your health, etc.

It is also important to learn words related to body parts when you go to the hospital.

This page explains Kanji and pronunciation of basic words related to parts of the body.

Also, by learning with pictures, you can understand which parts of the body the words you are learning correspond to.

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Body PartKanjiPronunciation
1. Headあたま
2. Hairかみ
3. Faceかお
4. Forehead
5. Eyebrow眉毛まゆげ
6. Eyelidまぶた
7. Eyelash睫毛まつげ
8. Eye
9. Earみみ
10. Noseはな
11. Cheek
12. Mouthくち
13. Lipsくちびる
14. Tooth
15. tongueした
16. Chinあご
*Words used in conversation


Body PartKanjiPronunciation
1. Neckくび
2. Throatのど
3. Shoulderかた
4. Armうで
5. Elbowひじ
6. Chestむね
7. Back背中せなか
8. Stomach腹部
9. Lower backこし
10. Buttock
11. Legあし
12. Thigh太ももふともも
13. Kneeひざ
14. Shinすね
15. Calf脹脛ふくらはぎ
*Words used in conversation


Body PartKanjiPronunciation
1. Wrist手首てくび
2. Hand
3. Palm手の平てのひら
4. Back of the hand手の甲てのこう
5. Fingerゆび
6. Thumb親指おやゆび
7. Index finger人差し指ひとさしゆび
8. Middle finger中指なかゆび
9. Third finger薬指くすりゆび
10. Little finger小指こゆび
11. Finger nailつめ


Body PartKanjiPronunciation
1. Ankle足首あしくび
2. Footあし
3. Sole足の裏あしのうら
4. Top of the foot足の甲あしのこう
5. Toeつま先つまさき
6. Toe足の指あしのゆび
7. First toe足の親指あしのおやゆび
8. Second toe足の人差し指あしのひとさしゆび
9. Third toe足の中指あしのなかゆび
10. Fourth toe足の薬指あしのくすりゆび
11. Fifth toe足の小指あしのこゆび
12. Toenail足の爪あしのつめ
13. Heelかかと
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