This page explains date and time formats.
There are various ways to write dates and time in Japanese.
When communicating with family or friends about dates or time, any grammar may be fine as long as the other person can understand, but when communicating dates and time at work, you need to use correct grammar.
Date Format
When writing dates, write in the order of “年” → “月” → “日“. Sometimes the “年” is omitted. Also, the day of the week can be written after the “日“.
There are two ways to write “年“: the Western calendar and the Japanese calendar.
The Western calendar is a calendar that starts from the year following the birth of Jesus Christ, and is also used in Europe and the United States. When communicating with people other than Japanese people, we use the Western calendar.
When writing the year in the Western calendar, the date is written as “2024年7月15日“.
The Japanese calendar is a calendar unique to Japan, and includes the eras of “明治“, “大正“, “昭和“, “平成” and “令和“. The Japanese calendar is sometimes used in government documents and company documents.
When writing the year in the Japanese calendar, the date is written as “令和6年7月15日“.
In Japan, it does not matter whether you write the year in the Western calendar or the Japanese calendar, but using both can confuse readers, so it is best to stick to one calendar.
You may see the Japanese calendar abbreviated to the alphabet. For example, “令和6年” is written as “R6年” and “平成6年” is written as “H6年“. Although this abbreviated forms may be understandable to the other person, it is better not to write them out.
There are also some cases where “年“, “月” and “日” are omitted. For example, “2024/7/15”, “2024.7.15”, “2024ー7ー15” and “20240715”. Although these abbreviated forms may be understandable to the other person, it is better not to write them out.
Date formats are as follows.
Date Format | ◎Recommended/⚪︎Possible/×Not Recommended |
2024年7月15日 | ◎ |
令和6年7月15日 | ◎ |
7月15日 | ◎ |
2024年7月15日月曜日 | ⚪︎ |
令和6年7月15日月曜日 | ⚪︎ |
7月15日月曜日 | ⚪︎ |
2024年7月15日(月) | ⚪︎ |
令和6年7月15日(月) | ⚪︎ |
7月15日(月) | ⚪︎ |
R6年7月15日 | × |
2024/7/15 | × |
2024.7.15 | × |
2024ー7ー15 | × |
20240715 | × |
Time Format
When writing time, write in the order of “時” → “分“. Sometimes “秒” is written after “分“. For example, time is written as “10時15分” or “10時15分30秒“.
You can also write “:” instead of writing the characters of “時“, “分” and “秒“. For example, you can write “10:15” or “10:15:30”.
There are two ways to write time: 12-hour system and 24-hour system.
The 12-hour system divides a day into two parts of 12 hours. The first 12 hours are written as “午前” and the second 12 hours are written as “午後“.
For example, you can write “午前10時15分” or “午後5時15分“.
The 24-hour system writes one day in 24 hours.
For example, you can write “10時15分” or “17時15分“.
The time “午後17時15分“, which is a mixture of the 12-hour system and 24-hour system, is incorrect.
Time formats are as follows.
Time Format | ◎Recommended/⚪︎Possible/×Not Recommended |
午前10時15分 | ◎ |
午前10:15 | ◎ |
午前10時15分30秒 | ⚪︎ |
午前10:15:30 | ⚪︎ |
午後5時15分 | ◎ |
午後5:15 | ◎ |
午後5時15分30秒 | ⚪︎ |
午後5:15:30 | ⚪︎ |
10時15分 | ◎ |
10:15 | ◎ |
10時15分30秒 | ⚪︎ |
10:15:30 | ⚪︎ |
17時15分 | ◎ |
17:15 | ◎ |
17時15分30秒 | ⚪︎ |
17:15:30 | ⚪︎ |
午後17時15分 | × |
午後17:15 | × |